Attendees gained knowledge from an impressive array of speakers distributed across the seminar’s schedule; a few of the many themes highlighted were:
This year’s program featured Vetergy Group’s own Lance Muniz and David Wilbur speaking in different sessions to leaders about human error in the workplace and operational resilience, respectively. Both retired U.S. Marines who served in aviation have decades of relevant experience for high-reliability organizations (HROs) in process industries like chemical manufacturing and oil and gas refining. Both presentations illustrated Vetergy’s expertise and distinctive method for human factors analysis.
Vetergy’s rigorously tested classification system for investigating incidents/near misses includes a taxonomy (vocabulary) that enables clients to identify specific human factor root causes of an incident(s) that other root cause analysis tools (like Apollo, Five-Whys, Fishbone, FMEA, Pareto Chart) often fail to reveal to leaders where they can be appropriately addressed/managed.
At Vetergy, we know that humans are error-prone, and that error can never be fully eliminated; however, we also know that humans are the adaptable interface between complex engineered systems in high hazard industries and the inevitably challenging and dynamic operating conditions employees face at work. Since error cannot be eliminated, we believe that it is the adaptive nature (capacity) of human beings that makes it possible for an employee to “be right” as it is to “be wrong”. Vetergy helps employees get it right.
In our view, error itself is an essential resource for reducing errors (that are frequently system produced). Vetergy has helped organizations achieve success by helping leaders (at all levels) understand that human performance is a critical resource for businesses to cultivate, and not a liability to manage. Vetergy aids clients by helping organizations set their people up for success and shift away from who failed to what failed and why.
This year’s EHS seminar was an outstanding event for Vetergy because it enabled our team to meet with many Texas and Louisiana-based chemical company representatives answering their questions about human factors and offering them ideas and solutions to help them in their pursuit of achieving world-class performance.
For more information on how to incorporate human factors analysis into your investigation program or any other Vetergy services, click here or email us at